ELearning: Wellness & Nutrition

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Design excerpt taken from wellness and nutrition training executable. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Create an approachable but informative training executable course distributed to select audiences to help raise awareness of unhealthy eating.

I took a casual approach in the design utilizing warm colors and natural textures. Introductions to each chapter featured a short country jingle and navigation elements introduced a fun unique element displaying “Move along” versus a typical phrase of something like “Next.”

The wellness and nutrition awareness piece received very positive feedback internally and externally.

Graphic design, theme design, eLearning development, HTML, CSS, Flash, motion design, animation, sound design

    • Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. This site is the design portfolio of Carl Owens. All content, imagery, videos, and photography on this site are copyright of Carl Owens, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), EduNeering Holdings, Inc, College of the Mainland or other businesses and may additionally be trademarked. No portion of this site may be redistributed, copied, shared or reproduced in any form or fashion without expressed written consent from Carl Owens or the respective owners of copyrighted and trademarked material.