Corporate Interior Design

Copyright 2023 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Completed interior design of the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Pure Learning office lobby in Princeton, New Jersey.

Copyright 2023 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

View of the original Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Pure Learning office lobby in Princeton, New Jersey.

Copyright 2023 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

The completed interior design of the front desk area (left) and the original front desk area (right) of the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Pure Learning office in Princeton, New Jersey.

The Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Pure Learning office lobby located in Princeton, New Jersey (Now UL Solutions) was in need of a modern facelift that reflected the company’s technological prowess. They just didn’t realize it.

With a strong personal interest to help the company succeed, I had identified issues with the vibe of the corporate office lobby. The lobby was frequently visited by high profile global clientele and it needed a modern update. I explored interior design options on my own time. Using photographs of the lobby and the adjacent front desk, mockups were created using Photoshop to introduce furniture, typography and new wall colors aligned to the UL brand palette. Two talented designers on my team, excited about the transformation potential, joined in and helped research various furniture options. Final interior design upgrade recommendations were presented to the CEO and executive leadership teasing at what the lobby could be, with added benefits of a positive reflection on the brand.

It was very well-received. The CEO allotted a budget, not only to upgrade the Princeton office corporate lobby, but also the Houston office corporate lobby also in dire need of a change. By taking initiative, it allowed others to see a new potential of what could be, resulting in two office lobbies being completely transformed. Changes brought elevated brand integrity, a positive reflection of the company’s true prowess instilling a greater sense of confidence for its global clientele and new life to the office for employees.

Research, design strategy, brand strategy, conceptual design, interior design, graphic design, executive collaboration

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