ELearning: Hilti Course Design

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Excerpt of Hilti eLearning course. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

Create eLearning course for leading innovative construction tool company with progressive design aesthetics that visually support client brand and subject matter while engaging learners to retain knowledge and receive certification.

Working closely with the instructional design team to understand goals and the target audience, initial design concepts were developed for client approval. ELearning training was developed from a provided Word doc script to final designed deliverable built to Company best practices and quality specifications. This included custom interactive modules to enhance learning and retention objectives.

The client was very pleased with the eLearning deliverable and launched training for its audiences.

Brand integration, graphic design, theme design, eLearning development, HTML, CSS, Flash, motion design, animation, LMS

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