ELearning: Interactive Game Show Knowledge Check Module

Limited excerpt of various Eduflex capabilities. *Informational layouts created by my design team. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

My design of the “Game Show” (knowledge check) interaction from initial conceptual sketch on the left to completed interactive module on the right for the responsive EduFlex eLearning platform. Copyright 2024 EduNeering Holdings, Inc.

In development of UL’s proprietary eLearning platform knpown as EduFlex, we sought to create memorable and engaging experiences with the design of integrated interactive learning modules. Instead of a basic multiple choice quiz, I conceptualized the idea of a game show to elevate the learning experience.

An initial rough sketch put a visual into the team’s minds. Working with the development team, we explored functionality and content strategy. Ultimately, the learner would help the fictional game player on the main stage pass rounds of questions. Working collaboratively with teams of multimedia and instructional designers, we constructed a learning experience to increase engagement, maintain focus and support overall knowledge retention. Rich graphics created using Photoshop would help drive learner participation. Collaborating with the product team, the interaction was brought to life as a module inside the Eduflex eLearning platform.

The game show interaction was used as an interactive learning module within EduFlex eLearning courses across the full client base of global customers. Client surveys revealed positive feedback and engaged levels of training.

Research, conceptual design, UI/UX, graphic interaction design (Photoshop), cross-functional team collaboration, instructional strategy, functionality design

    • Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. This site is the design portfolio of Carl Owens. All content, imagery, videos, and photography on this site are copyright of Carl Owens, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), EduNeering Holdings, Inc, College of the Mainland or other businesses and may additionally be trademarked. No portion of this site may be redistributed, copied, shared or reproduced in any form or fashion without expressed written consent from Carl Owens or the respective owners of copyrighted and trademarked material.